Friday, March 17, 2006

st. patty's day

today is st. patericks day and everyone is irish today in some way shape or form. They are either wearing green, drinking green beer, or eating cornbeef and cabbage as i did this evening. I met my best girlfriend tonight at a local club, her sister, and her family. her mother, her in-laws and her husband. her husband reserved the table since he is the member of this club. being that communication skills are not always up to par for everyone the table was set and reserved for six and there were 13 of us. so we over came that hurdle. then we all sat there and ejoyed our st. patty's day dinner in a smoke filled room drinking beer with a bunch of drunks. Oh and the women next to us telling her children to SHUT-UP all the time. thank heavens they finally left. We also enjoyed the father-in-law of my friend sitting there fantasizing about having sex with everyone, and talking about hard things. he is so gross!! And let's not forget the urnial in the ladies roon which is always an interesting topic of connversation. But being the simple minded people that we are we enjoyed the evening. so to sum up things. i guess we can tolerate anything to show the little bit of irish in all of us.


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