Thursday, March 16, 2006


well i will try again. i typed earlier and it did not posted sometimes i am challenged on a pc. well i was just playing on-line poker and did oretty good today...i was hot. but of course they shut down for maintence when i was winning. i could write a book about on-line poker. some of these people have no life. they play poker all the time. some play for real money and some play for play money. i do play money. i'm retired....and then there are some people who don't know how to p[lay at all. and some jerks on also. but I like when the jerks play with the people who are n all the time because then they start a verbal war. BUT " no foul language and all chat must be in english." so they have all these codes for naughty words, and for certian types of people. it is very interesting. you can also order food and drinks on line. my lucky drink is lemonade. but you can get beer, cosmo's and even hot dogs. speaking of dogs "the body" is taking her morning nap. this morning i baked cupcakes and banana bread. so it smells really good in here. Katy last night i made a killer meatloaf. and no i didn't have my pearls on. i don't always wear them to cook. katy also thanks for you comment i get so excited when there are comments from you and your mother. i also left a comment for you today. and i know my typing and spelling will not be a great as yours on blogging but please forgive me. i am old and reited and forget some spelling and grammer things. time to go taste my banana bread.



Katy said...

Some of the fiction guys in my program who don't have funding are paying for grad school with online poker. Seriously! they sit in there all day long and play. we'll all bitch about work together and then i remember that they don't have real jobs. just online poker. one kid averages earning $80 a day. i think that's pretty good!

i bet your meatloaf was excellent. tonight i'm making pasta and just chicken. i don't have a lot of time cause of rugby. but tomorrow i'm making balsamic poached chicken, red potatoes, and asparagus. (real simple recipe! check it out on their website or ask my mom for her issue...or do you subscribe?)

ninny said...

i've had the meatloaf - that was a good bet!!!