Sunday, June 07, 2009

Long Time

Mr. Haney making breakfast
Some people will wear anything
Nice Hat



The Monster Mile

It's been awhile since I've posted. Things have been kicking in summer mode where there is something going on all the time. Jack and I have been working, this is the kids last week of school, and the hotel has been full. So we have been busy. Also we went to the Dover race last weekend and it was another great time. My friend Jenny and I hit the casino while the race was going on and had another great drinking session. This year we had two you bucks 24 and 26 trying to be our friends!! They must have been watching the cougar show or the graduate:+) But it was an ego bust. The weather is up and down this year it rains for a few days the nice for a few days. i hoping it soon stays nice with rain only on Mondays since Mondays suck anyway. James has been working on the weekends and saving a lot of money since he can drive alone in 15 days. He also won cadet of the year in JOTC which was great. Jack is working on his garage building a closet to store all his junk. Instead of getting rid of it he will now have it behind closed doors. Next week we have a trip planned to PA for a family wedding. Should be a good time. Fridays is dock party night now, every Friday all the boat people go down to the docks and grill and consume beverages, it's a good time.

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