Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gone Forever

It has been a sad weekend. The beach buggy is gone, STOLEN. We had it stored at a friends house for the winter. They came down this weekend to open the summer home and the jeep was gone along with their flat screen TV and a mountain bike. Now we were there two weeks ago to take pictures of the jeep because we were selling it and actually had a buyer. They were going to give us 1200 dollars for it. We only paid 1500 for it about 1o years ago!! The thieves actually must have been there several times because the battery was dead. So they brought a battery charger which they forgot to take idiots, when that didn't work the took out the old battery which is still sitting there and must have put a new one in. Then they hot wired it!! BUT the old girl was showing her age(1987) they could not have driven her too far because the thermostat was bad and it over heated after about 6 or 7 miles!! So they picked the wrong vehicle to steal. The police came to investigate, and this is were things looked a little brighter for us. The officer that came was a tall slender man with a flat top haircut real manly looking fellow. His name was Leslie A. Dick:+) Yes this is a true story. On his business card he uses his initials LAD Dick. Lucky for me the guy had a sense of humor I guess you need to with a name like that. The situation looked grim until Officer Dick showed up. He informed that his goal in life was to be a Major in the force so he could be called Major Dick:+) So now we are mourning the lose of our beloved beach buggy. She treated us well. Jessie "THE BODY" is particularly upset because that was her summer dog box, her retreat, her sanctuary, her ride to the beach. Is there nothing sacred in life anymore?

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