Monday, March 02, 2009


House across the street
Our driveway

Patio Jesse enjoying the snow


Front of the house

Yes snow a major snow event in southern Delaware. Well major to Delawareans not transplants from central PA. They closed the schools already last night when the first flake fell:+) We have about 6 inches on the ground but the wind is really blowing. I want to go down to the beach later and take pictures of the snow on the beach. I'm sure the whole town of Lewes is closed down. Jack shoveled a path for "THE BODY" to go out. She was all excited she loves the snow. The sad thing is this snow will be staying around for a few days because it is going to stay cold. Not till Thursday is it suppose to warm up. Oh well at least I can stay all snuggled up in the house. Enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

ninny said...

why aren't M&J shoveling? i thought they loved to do that...