Wednesday, March 14, 2007


So today the drywall men come. A whole van of them and only one speaks english. The guy who owns the company comes along and sets everything up with the foreman, the only one who speaks english. They unload all their stuff out of the van: including a microwave. Yes a mircowave to cook all the lunches. During lunch "The Body gets a smell of their lunches and goes after the one guys sandwich. He has to run away and up on to the van to keep his sandwich out of "the body's" hungry jaws. They start yelling for Jack, because I'm out shopping. So what does Jack do, he runs for the camera to take a picture of how "the boby" has the mexican guy on the van trying to get his lunch. They did offer to give her their beans but Jack said no. They were fast, all done hanging drywall in 5 hours. And yes while I was gone Jack said they used the bathroom. So again I had to clean the bathroom because of the construction guys. And these guys used all the Chairman so I know what they were doing:+(

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