Thursday, August 20, 2009

Almost over

Off shore fishing trip Mahi-Mahi

From my garden

I can't believe how fast summer has gone. It seems like yesterday I was waiting for the hot weather. Now I'm wondering how many days of hot weather we will have yet. (I hope lots) Labor day is in two weeks and then our German family will be here for a visit, I can't wait. I've been working way to many days but I think that will soon slow down also. My garden is still producing many vegetables. BUT now we have an intruder a groundhog was sitting in my garden on his hind legs eating a tomato!! Things are going to have to change there he will either have to vacate or be relocated like Sam's squirrels. BUT the only good thing about summer coming to an end is........the start of school!!!!!!!!!! :)


Katy said...

those are some big fish your boys hauled in! is that a wad of dip in matthew's lip or is he just concentrating??

ninny said...

hey katy this is matt, yea it is dip. i'm sitting here with your mother and i had to ask: How do you know what dip is??? i think it's either some of your pitt football players do it or you have a habit that no one knows about;) just kidding, i know you'd never do that, and i know i need to quit. loves you katy:) hope to see you soon.