Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter Weather

Front yard veiw
Back yard veiw



Yes we have snow in southern Delaware. Not a lot about an inch but to the folks down here that is a state of emergency. As soon as the first flake fell so did the sand. They throw sand on the road when it snows. I guess it is cheaper then salt and plentiful. They do put salt on the major highways but in the little town of Lewes it is all sand. The schools closed a half day yesterday and I thought for sure they would be closed today, but only a two hour delay happened. Now it is suppose to rain and the snow will all be gone which is OK with me:+)


ninny said...

even more shocking than the snow is matthew kersey shoveling it!!! or is he just posing for a pic?

kk said...

Can you beleive it he was actually shoveling snow. Doing physical labor. They even shoveled Mrs. Russell's driveway.