Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So much has been going on since my last post. I will try to review all the important things. First of all the fashion police really need to get on the stick. In the last week i have seen two women in the news wearing the worst dresses ever. First Michelle Obama what was she thinking on election night here is a women that is going to be a trend setter and she wears an ugly dress. next last evening on DWTS (dancing with the stars) Samantha Harris had on a dress even uglier the Michelle Obama. What is this world coming too when women in the spot light don't dress for success?
Next my children had report cards this week. One did well the other did not I'll let all of you who know me decide which is which. and that is all I'm going to say about that.
Now for the good news. My goddaughter is having a baby:+) So i guess that means I'm going to be a grand godmother. So now my BFF Nin and I will start canvasing the local stores for summer maternity clothing and baby items. I have already purchased a Halloween onsie for the little one.
Now for the depressing news. We have put the Jeep away for the winter so that means that summer is really over. I held on as long as possible. The days are shorter and colder and I have not had shorts on outside for a while:+( I hate to wish for time to go faster but please hurry summer of 2009.

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