Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fog Delay

Well the first fog delay of the spring season for school occurred this morning. It was a welcome delay for me since Jack is in Myrtle beach golfing I have to get up every morning this week to get the children off to school. But today we got to stay in bed two extra hours:+) Aunt Lisa comes tonight. She is going to be my date for the wrestling fundraiser since my man is on his man vacation. My tan from Aruba is just about gone:+( I hope the weather soon gets sunny and hot here so I can again get a little tan. The weather has been April showers this week. There was a scuffle across the street this week with the Russians. It was among themselves not me. One Russian came home and it appeared he has intoxicated, they were arguing outside then he tripped and fell over the hand rail breaking it. They all moved inside then so I missed the rest of the show. I should have left "The Body" out she would have taken care of them. She is just drying to get one of them. I think it's because she senses they are afraid of her. Oh well they all seem calmed down now. Speaking of "The Body" she is down for her mid-morning nap I hear her snoring.

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