Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Our road..3 days after the storm:((
THE BODY in 4-wheel drive

Our house in all it's winter glory

james How high will it get??

OK I surrender, give up, relinquish, throw in the snow shovel please stop snowing:(((( It rained during the night which melted some of the snow. But since lower Delaware doesn't understand snow removal etiquette I'm sure the storm drains are all under a mountain of snow and now things will flood. BUT just when I thought things might be looking up here it comes again...snow!! It is snowing again the kids have been off school since 2/8 and the school has already announced it's closing till 2/16 I don't think there is enough Yuengling to help out with this situation. What is a women to do when confined to the house with her loving family??

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