Sunday, November 22, 2009


It's almost Thanksgiving can you believe it. Where does the time go. This year we will be staying home for Thanksgiving because James has to work on BLACK FRIDAY:+( Sorry for his luck. But I'm getting in to the holiday spirit. Yesterday I made potato filling and today pumpkin rolls. Jack also put up his Christmas decorations outside since it was a nice day. He can actually put them up in a few hours compared to the few days it use to take him when we lived in PA. I remember he had to put in extra breakers for all the lights he put up. It was like National Lampoons Christmas vacation:+) This week will be a busy week cooking dinner and then helping at the inn, it's full starting Thanksgiving night for the weekend. PLUS my children have off from school starting Wednesday....Think I'll stop and get an extra case of beer for the holiday weekend:+)

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