Friday, May 09, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

Today Matthew had his wisdom teeth removed. Does that mean he will now have NO wisdom at all? He had all four removed this morning. It had to be done because they were going to push that $5,000 smile of his. They knocked him out to do this and he was all happy and laughing when he first woke up. About one hour later that changed:+( But they gave us drugs to keep him sleeping for a few days so all will be OK. I remember having my wisdom teeth removed and it was not a good time, only then they put you in the hospital for three days. Now you are in and out of the Dr's office in an hour. And for some reason unknown to me Matthew asked the Dr. if he could have his teeth. Now we all know how much I love the dentist and anything to do with teeth. So there we are in the office getting ready to leave and the nurse hands me a little paper pouch with 4 bloody teeth in it. So imagine me standing there, Matthew in a wheelchair next to me laughing and being happy, the nurses all cleaning up getting ready for their next victim. They are giving me instructions for his bloody mouth that is now numb and he is drooling all over himself . And in the middle of all this they hand me this bloody pouch and all I can think of is "I can't put this gross pouch in my good Coach bag, so what do I do with it???????? Well I took a pack of tissues and wrapped it in them before I put it in my bag. Needless to say I ran home and removed them. They are now out in the garage waiting for Matthew, I don't know maybe he thinks the tooth fairy will come and take them, leaving him money for pain and suffering. Only I should be the one to get the money for pain and suffering.

1 comment:

ninny said...

i want to see pics of the chipmunk cheeks!