Friday, June 15, 2007

School's out

Now my work begins. 12 weeks of working, I will be counting the days, hours , minutes, and possibly seconds. One good thing is both of my sons have made it to the ninth grade. Another year closer to 18:+) The weather here in Lower Slower Delaware has been a little cool for a few days, but this weekend is suppose to be hot and hunid, just the way I like it. Jack and Matthew went to the US Open for a few days they come home today. They had a bonding session:+) They stayed with the new Mr. & Mrs. Lev while in Pittsburg. They are stopping in PA to pick up Lisa who's Jag is in Wilminton getting fixed sorry for her luck. Next thursday my man and I leave for Las Vegus it is our 25th wedding anniverary. WOW it's hard to imagine...Stefaine called from Germany yesterday, I miss then all. She gets her Dr. degree in Novemeber. Yea!!!! Then she will work anf Rene will be Mr. MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well time to get to work.

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